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Drodex works closely with clients to develop optimal solutions to complex, real-world situations. Our experts seek, negotiate and purchase the goods and services needed that optimize functionality within budgetary guidelines. When it comes to supply chain management, the Drodex team of thinkers and doers orchestrate delivery and receipt of products needed to get the job done. With a wide range of products and capabilities, Drodex provides guidance and implementation for seamless acquisition management of services, facilities and processes. This includes:
Drodex provided supply-chain and logistic support to the COVID-19 Pandemic and supports on-going mitigation efforts.
Our team provided all required support for the HHS/ASPR Supply Chain Control Tower (SCCT) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic including information analysis and product development. Drodex provides Pandemic support across a broad range including acquisition/purchasing activities involving property purchased by disaster relief funds and asset management.
Drodex’s supply chain coordination provides critical response to ongoing and emerging threats and elevated risk by providing accelerated Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based analysis following a disaster or emergency situation or during an exercise, related planning, response, recovery, critical infrastructure, and as needed. Coordination efforts include supporting communications with partners during response or exercise operations and providing liaison officer services to other agency’s operations centers.
We invite you to contact us for more information on the services we provide.
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